As much as I have difficulty waking up and going to work on a Friday I am somewhat dreading going home. Jeff made it clear that he was going to a party I was planning on attending and now I am stuck with no plans. Usually I wouldn't mind this so much, but I am already going to be stuck in all day tomorrow waiting for the comcast man to come. Fortunately I will now have cable and internet at home. (YAY!)
I am trying to stay positive and in doing so I am planning on re-doing my apartment one thing at a time. I already got new curtains and some new pillows. I also purchased a duvet to replace the comforter I have been cramming in my duvet cover. I already re-organized my bedroom and living room, made a pot rack in the kitchen, and shed myself of tons of, well, crap.
On the to do list is:
-Call landlord and have him fix my sink! (ahh KITH pops into my mind)
-Add color to my drab black and white/apartment rental white walled bedroom.
-Create a substitute headboard (perhaps order a large size print of one of my photos)
-Sand, paint, and prime my dresser and perhaps sidetables/night stands
-Buy leaning bookshelf from ikea
-Get a new desk, or make a new one using file cabinets and a wall unit
-Get roman blinds for the kitchen
-Wallpaper or somehow cover shabby cabinet laminates
-See if I can re-do bathroom walls
I wish I could paint over my walls so badly. They are plastered so they look like a ceiling and they are so ugly off-white eggshell.
Non-design goals:
-Create an exercise regimen
-Care more about my body/skin/appearence/mental well being
-Apply and attend grad school
-Maintain a clean home
-Let go of those who continuously enter my life and bring me down
-Make new friends
-Save money
-Plan super-fab vacation with Sugah