Friday, January 30, 2009

Sick sick sick

I haven't been this sick in a long time. Wicked high fever, pukes, aches and pains, cough, runny nose, head aches. I have the flu and a sinus infection. I am so miserable. At least I now have TV.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I did it

I went to the party. It was so awkward and we both pretended we didn't exist. I felt his eyes on me and it made my stomach ache and urch. After a few beers I gave him a quick "hey howareya" as we passed in the hallway. I need to let go and move on but it is so hard. I don't know why I let myself go the way I do.

At least I know I looked hot. I woke up next to Dylan with the name "Will" written on my hand. The most productive thing I've done all day was take a bath and make a grilled cheese sandwich. I finally have TV and internet YAY!

I am hoping that tomorrow I can convince myself to do a massive cleaning of the apartment. Perhaps I will reward myself with a new purchase of some sort.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Eh Friday

As much as I have difficulty waking up and going to work on a Friday I am somewhat dreading going home. Jeff made it clear that he was going to a party I was planning on attending and now I am stuck with no plans. Usually I wouldn't mind this so much, but I am already going to be stuck in all day tomorrow waiting for the comcast man to come. Fortunately I will now have cable and internet at home. (YAY!)

I am trying to stay positive and in doing so I am planning on re-doing my apartment one thing at a time. I already got new curtains and some new pillows. I also purchased a duvet to replace the comforter I have been cramming in my duvet cover. I already re-organized my bedroom and living room, made a pot rack in the kitchen, and shed myself of tons of, well, crap.

On the to do list is:
-Call landlord and have him fix my sink! (ahh KITH pops into my mind)
-Add color to my drab black and white/apartment rental white walled bedroom.
-Create a substitute headboard (perhaps order a large size print of one of my photos)
-Sand, paint, and prime my dresser and perhaps sidetables/night stands
-Buy leaning bookshelf from ikea
-Get a new desk, or make a new one using file cabinets and a wall unit
-Get roman blinds for the kitchen
-Wallpaper or somehow cover shabby cabinet laminates
-See if I can re-do bathroom walls

I wish I could paint over my walls so badly. They are plastered so they look like a ceiling and they are so ugly off-white eggshell.

Non-design goals:
-Create an exercise regimen
-Care more about my body/skin/appearence/mental well being
-Apply and attend grad school
-Maintain a clean home
-Let go of those who continuously enter my life and bring me down
-Make new friends
-Save money
-Plan super-fab vacation with Sugah

Friday, January 16, 2009

God Bless Martin Luther King JR

TGIF. I thankfully have a long weekend beginning in a mere two hours and forty minutes. I am dog sitting for the Lucy beast later tonight so I may or may not go out at all tonight. I was invited to Dave Sullivan's bowling birthday party at Pins, going to the movies with Susan and Beeps, or possibly staying in and watching Oz all night. Oh yeah, or go to Jeff's in JP which I already know I will not be doing.

Tomorrow there is a poker tournament and first prize is a free trip to Atlantic City. Sounds fun to me, but I'm not even sure I want to play. Molly is also having a "pamper party" tomorrow night which Beeps wants me to go to with her.

I, on the other hand, kinda just want to go to my cabin and disappear. I just don't want to go the three hour drive by myself. I wish I had better (still in my life) guy friends who could go with me.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I woke up this morning and had an incredibly hard time persuading myself out of bed. I couldn't fathom why I was so tired as I did not have a particularly late night before. Then upon entering the school my arm started to hurt. I pushed up my sleeve and realized I was covered in hives. A trip to the school nurse and two benadryls later I am utterly exhausted. My only savior is this half a roast beef (Ryan) sandwich and the broken heating system. I am debating leaving early. I'm going to try and stick it through the next few hours but it will not be easy.

Other news:
Bad-Jeff St. Hilaire had a seizure last night

Good-Kristen stoetzel had a boy today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My first blog

I have recently discovered the beauty of blogging. Now that I will be getting internet at home again (Hi it's been 5 months!) I decided to start a blog.