So since the last blog a lot has happened. My dad was in a major snowmobile accident the night of dinkstock. Sugah drove me all the way to NH to see him. What an awesome person to do that.
I have cut all ties with the latest ex who has always somehow found ways to still hurt me.
Cody joined the army and is leaving April 22nd.
I have officially been accepted into grad school and will tentatively be starting courses in May.
I may or may not have a job next year and I am sweating that out right now.
My new boss also quit mid-year which has left us with a permanent sub who is only part-time. I am no on restraint duty for MK.
I'm starting to approach my home as being content and working with what I've got without spending too much money.
Beeps wants me to move with her and I am unsure if I want to go through with that or not.
I joined watercize two times a week and I am hoping to start jogging again now that the weather is nicer.
I am going through spurts of still not caring about my appearence, and am on a rollercoaster diet. One week I'll eat super healthy all week then binge drink and get dairy queen on the weekends.
I have kept myself rather busy lately which I think is good for my mental health but as a result I am not sleeping enough which again ties into the appearence factor.
I am going to Florida with Jenzie, Melissa, and Wendy in May and I am so pumped for it.
Tonight I am taking little sis out for mani/pedi and sushi in dot/Quincy and am pumped for it.